This page describes the process of certificate rollover for Shibboleth Identity Providers. The procedure described below allows replacing certificates without any service disruptions.
Please note that the instructions are only applicable for a Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) configured according to the FEDURUS Shibboleth Identity Provider deployment guides!
A Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) needs a certificate to sign SAML assertions. The certificate of an IdP is embedded in SAML metadata so that the Service Providers (SPs) know an IdP's certificate. Therefore, a new certificate has to be added to the federation metadata (via AAI Resource Registry).
Changes in metadata require at minimum 1 hour to propagate to all relying parties. Therefore, certificates cannot be replaced in one single step. While most relying parties downloaded metadata within two hours, this is not guaranteed for all entities. In particular, entities reachable via the interfederation service eduGAIN might need up to 24 hours to update metadata. Certificate rollover can however be performed without any service interruption for services using the Shibboleth or SimpleSAMLphp software. For this to work, the order and the timing of the following steps are crucial.
Be aware that many SP implementations other than Shibboleth or SimpleSAMLphp are not properly capable of dealing with certificate rollover at the IdP!
In both cases, such SPs will fail to verify the IdP's signature on the SAML assertion and interoperation with that IdP will fail.
In case a) it will work again once the rollover is complete and the expiring certificate is removed from metadata in step 3).
In case b) it will only work again once the SP's configuration gets manually updated with the new IdP certificate after step 2).
Note:An overview of the general procedure can be found in the following graphic. It explain how to perform the certificate rollover without any service disruption.
# Use the temp directory to generate new key and certificate cd /tmp # Copy the current key file to the temp directory in order to preserve the file permissions cp -p #oldKeyPath# # Create configuration file cat > idp-cert.cnf <<EOF # OpenSSL configuration file for creating idp-cert.pem [req] prompt=no default_bits=2048 encrypt_key=no default_md=sha1 distinguished_name=dn # PrintableStrings only string_mask=MASK:0002 x509_extensions=ext [dn] CN=#hostName# [ext] subjectAltName=DNS:#hostName#,URI:#entityID# subjectKeyIdentifier=hash EOF # Generate a new pair of certificate and key files (in the current directory) openssl req -config idp-cert.cnf -new -x509 -days 1095 -keyout -out 2> /dev/null # Move new files mv #oldKeyPath# mv #oldCertPath# # Cleanup rm idp-cert.cnf # Output new IdP certificate cat #oldCertPath#With the above commands a new certificate and private key are generated and moved to the Shibboleth configuration directory.
cd /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials sudo java -cp "../webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*:../bin/lib/*" \ \ --lifetime 3 \ --certfile \ --keyfile \ --hostname #hostName# \ --uriAltName #entityID# sudo chmod 600 sudo chown --reference idp.key idp.key.newWith the above commands a new certificate and private key are generated inside the
# Backup metadata file cp #backupMetadataFilePath#
# Backup the old files sudo mv #oldKeyPath# #backupKeyPath# sudo mv #oldCertPath# #backupCertPath# # Activate the new files sudo mv #newKeyPath# #oldKeyPath# sudo mv #newCertPath# #oldCertPath#
, replace the two PEM-formatted blocks in the
elements with the content of the new PEM certificate #oldCertPath#.-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Do this two times, once in the IDPSSODescriptor
and once in
the AttributeAuthorityDescriptor
<!-- IDPSSODescriptor / AttributeAuthorityDescriptor --> <!-- ... --> <KeyDescriptor> <ds:KeyInfo> <ds:X509Data> <ds:X509Certificate> MIIDFDCCAfygAwIBAgIJAOVA31cn9tCxMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMBkxFzAVBgNV BAMTDnNwLmV4YW1wbGUub3JnMB4XDTA4MDMwNzE2MTAxNVoXDTExMDMwODE2MTAx NVowGTEXMBUGA1UEAxMOc3AuZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDNhGHf6eeZF14sJduvDBG1MyMxjHWN5UorfLXPDAYZhr5W D9biVzyfq9FCbP4ndDkBSVdu5rgXKLxyzod1MkDeN+4idr9EZiAVbhJaLDir5YwB agStiCC65QLsrAGrTKbGn7HoXOfO5o4+l4a62mMgMFMAUp9W/JQ0k4fWmbnWcXHo UzEeN/XukiD4jgUFnf9/dB/9P93ViAnkSUoEHeHIz7Oiw1c/9pCJktiU2ns9exUw wRGaagLXdPBxAdvUx1o1MG+Uajfg85EwhVzlO2kBClq3k9koJi01eTam4XxsBGSQ TmvsKf8aPES0nrhSJjOtceGOuyxAQ9UXSRi+0rrXAgMBAAGjXzBdMDwGA1UdEQQ1 MDOCDnNwLmV4YW1wbGUub3JnhiFodHRwczovL3NwLmV4YW1wbGUub3JnL3NoaWJi b2xldGgwHQYDVR0OBBYEFEJItQ8/IYfolzHeMZ3aNEzisC44MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB BQUAA4IBAQBPJi0wFTrqfATuhuA1h91efgYqE6WIC99Go4i6UFnsjwl3k9ZCF2xs 9T1uZ22nOFmAnAPbUS3cMiqFWGwlpC4w0KaXIeeUuh51g5+nKnqRE0XkCmm+5515 66L6PR+RMN9kx2h4HCuwvyFN02Y+Iz49oSOBW9exV1BmP0mhWF1j6lPoDkRDLZnG eLtJhzirb37BEk0fJkIg8OM1SPZ1mdB/5qhkWj4RRp47e03zeVE2YQMNhn6sE9hj xTdeeVyguekdSeLaF89jXvW6XBJR9NsZ+NswXIFN6nIYIRQha8+w2p1Saq0fvf8g wf2JYThoxNmfL8cHfoPqJAikP1gwuRjt </ds:X509Certificate> </ds:X509Data> </ds:KeyInfo> </KeyDescriptor> <!-- ... -->
# Restart servlet container /etc/init.d/tomcat* restart
# Restart servlet container sudo service tomcat7 restartFor Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 / CentOS 7:
# Restart servlet container sudo systemctl restart tomcat.service
<VirtualHost #hostName#:8443> [...] SSLCertificateFile #oldCertPath# # In case of a certificate issued by a well-known CA # make sure to configure the certificate chain # This is not necessary for self-signed certificates #SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/qvsslica.crt.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile #oldKeyPath# [...] <VirtualHost>After applying this change to the configuration, restart Apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart