AAI Attributes
The document AAI Attribute Specification is the reference for attributes within FEDURUS. Administrators of IdPs and SPs should be familiar with this document.
Recent changes of the document
Implementing the changes on the IdP and SP
Service Provider administrators should check the "Attribute Release Matrix" on the AAI Resource Registry (requires authentication with an account in the FEDURUS federation).
Core attributes are mandatory to implement by home organizations, other attributes are optional to implement by home organizations.
User View LDAP ViewCore attributes
FEDURUS Attributes |
Affiliation |
Given name |
Home organization |
Home organization type |
Scoped affiliation |
Surname |
Targeted ID/Persistent ID |
Unique ID |
Interfederation Attributes |
Common Name |
Display Name |
eduPerson Unique ID |
Principal name |
SCHAC Home Organisation |
SCHAC Home Organisation Type |
Other attributes
swissEduPerson Attributes |
Card UID |
Date of birth |
Gender |
Matriculation number |
Staff category |
Study branch 1 |
Study branch 2 |
Study branch 3 |
Study level |
Swiss edu-ID Attributes |
Swiss edu-ID internal identifier |
Local attributes
swissLibraryPerson Attributes |
Library Patron Affiliation |
Library Patron Residence |
International Attributes |
ORCID identifier |
Find the complete list of attribute definitions in one single document: AAI Attribute Specification